Shop 227, 2/F, Marble 33, 33 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong
TEL 2775-8138
WhatsApp: 6391-2382
Research-based Programmes
P.1 to S.5 Dyslexia Support 讀寫困難訓練
The programme adopts the U.S. Orton-Gillingham (OG) approach which is specifically designed for dyslexic students. The OG approach is multisensory, structured, and success-oriented. The effectiveness of the OG approach is clinically proven and it is widely used in the U.S. local schools to help students with reading and writing difficulties.
訓練採用由美國教育心理學家為讀寫障礙學生設計的Orton-Gillingham Approach (OG)英語教學法。 OG是一個多元感官、有系統而且生動有趣的語文教學法。擁八十多年研究歷史的OG獲美國本地學校廣泛地使用,以教授讀寫障礙或語文能力較弱的學生。
Parents and Teachers Programme
Want to teach your child at home? Come and join our parents and teachers online program and learn about:
1. The Orton-Gillingham approach to teach reading and spelling
2. Understanding and teaching your child through Interactive activities (Teaching materials Included
1. 英語讀寫訓練(Orton-Gillingham Approach)
2. 讀寫活動引導孩子學習
Play Therapy 遊戲治療
Research-based therapeutic play helps your child to improve attention, creativity, psychological condition, behavioral and emotional control. 74% to 83% of clients show significant improvement after receiving 12 sessions of play therapy, according to a research conducted by Play Therapy United Kingdom (PTUK) in 2011.
具科研實證的遊戲治療有效提升學童的專注力、創意力、心理質素、行為及情緒控制能力。一項2011年由英國遊戲治療協會(PTUK)研究報告顯示,74% 至 83%學童接受遊戲治療十二節後情況有顯著改善。