Shop 227, 2/F, Marble 33, 33 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong
TEL 2775-8138
WhatsApp: 6391-2382

Our Professional
Ms. Ellie WK CHAN 陳詠翹
Registered Academic Language Therapist (ALTA, US)
B.Sc.(Hon) Psychology, University of Nottingham (U.K)
Play therapist of Play Therapy International (Reg. no. 20140418)
M.A. English Teaching
PGD Education (Major: English; Minor: Visual Arts)
EDB registered Teacher (Reg. no. R26529) with LPAT approval
美國ALTA 註冊讀寫治療師
英國 University of Nottingham 心理學榮譽學士
國際遊戲治療協會(PTI) 遊戲治療師 (註冊編號:20140418)
教育學位文憑 (主修英語; 副修Visual Arts)
教育局註冊教師 (持英語基準試資格)
(註冊編號: R265295)

Ms. Ellie came back from England since 2007, and she has been working with children and teenagers from 2 to 18 years old at schools and organisations for over 10 years. Ms. Ellie loves working with children, and she is experienced in teaching students with special educational needs (i.e. ADHD/SpLD/ASD/ SD) using therapeutic play and the Orton-Gillingham Approach (U.S). Ms Ellie is also the Program director of parents and teachers reading and spelling support program.
Ms. Ellie 2007從英國回流香港,從事教育工作多於10年。Ms. Ellie熱愛與小孩工作,曾於慈善機構,本地及國際學校任教年齡由2至18歲的學生,而且擅長使用具臨床實證的 Orton-Gillingham approach 及Therapeutic play 處理不同學生(包括資優/專注力不足/過度活躍/讀寫障礙/自閉傾向/社交困難/情緒控制較弱)的英語學習及情緒行為問題。Ms Ellie亦是 家長及教師進修課程: 英文讀寫支援的課程總監。
Ms. Ellie has provided learning support service to students from the following schools 曾為以下學校學生提供學習支援服務:
- ESF King George V School
- Victoria Shanghai Academy
-Kellett School
-Australian International School
- Korean International School
Creative Secondary School
-Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
-Logos Academy
Primary School
Chinese International School
Australian International School
French International School
Canadian International School
Victoria Shanghai Academy
ESF Clearwater Bay School
ESF Bradbury School
Korean International School
Nord Anglia International School
Wycome Abbey School
Hong Kong Academy
Marymount Primary School
Diocesan Boy's School
Holy Family Canossian School
Sacred Heart Canossian School
ESF Hillside Kindergarten
St Catherine's International Kindergarten
Kiangsu & Chekiang International School
French International School
Sacred Heart Canossian Kindergarten
St. Paul's Convent School
St Stephen's Catholic Kindergarten